Damaged components with plastic housing


Plastic-encapsulated components can, for example, be destroyed under the influence of heat, as moisture bound in the plastic then outgasses, for example, and thus causes cracks in the component.


Damaged plastic casing of a LED in the SOT23 housing. In most of the cases the damage is due to humidity contained in the plastic material which forms gases during the strong heating-up of the soldering process and damages the housing (popcorn effect). The cracks nearly always run along the seam between the top and bottom part of the plastic body. This phenomenon can be avoided through tempering of the components.


  • humidity escaping from the plastic material
  • deficiencies in the soldering process parameter

beschädigtes Kunststoffgehäuse einer LED Source:
visual, optical inspection - general view


same context as described above.


  • humidity escaping from the plastic material
  • deficiencies in the soldering process parameter

beschädigtes Kunststoffgehäuse eines SOT23 Source:
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